- Sharity.Place
- List of prohibited ads
List of prohibited ads
List of prohibited ads
1. The User is prohibited from posting Announcements regarding the sale and donation of the following Positions (Prohibited Positions), and publishing photos related to the following Positions:
- Objects or images, videos of pornographic content;
- Erotic gadgets (for example, sitefires, vibrators, etc.);
- Sex services, escorts, any services of an intimate nature, types of massage: erotic, body, lingama, tantric, etc.; swinger club services; escort services, striptease and striptease shows, erotic dances, etc.;
- Offers of dating, friendship, easy relationships, as well as administrative panels of dating sites;
- Items or photographs containing material that incites hatred, in particular on the basis of national, ethnic, racial, religious or non-religious differences;
- Software and Items adapted to commit acts that violate the law or moral principles, in particular, software and items to overcome / circumvent physical or electronic security;
- Items depicting Nazi, communist symbols;
- Materials containing content that violates the personal rights of third parties;
- Media files, software and other goods that infringe copyright/intellectual property;
- Hazardous chemicals, in their pure form, that may threaten life, health or the environment (for example, sulfuric acid, carbide, strychnine, mercury);
- Psychotropic substances and narcotic drugs, in particular drugs, as well as other substances intended for use as their substitutes, regardless of whether the possession and sale of such substances is prohibited by law, plants (including their seeds, including, but not limited to , hemp seeds (Cannabis)) and ingredients used for their preparation, hallucinogenic plants, mushrooms and products derived from them;
- Explosives and pyrotechnics;
- Tobacco products and raw tobacco, alcoholic beverages and other alcohol-containing substances suitable for ingestion;
- Goods / services infringing on the territorial integrity and inviolability of Ukraine, as well as the mention and / or symbols of the so-called. "LNR", "DNR", RF.
- Services involving counseling, mediation, assistance, etc. in matters of entry into the territory of the Joint Forces Operation and the temporarily occupied territories;
- Goods aimed at circumventing the rules / norms established by law; goods that are placed only due to increased demand or existing emergency circumstances;
- Sale and donation of political parties, public organizations and foundations;
- Medicines, sexual desire enhancers and other stimulants, even if they are not medicines;
- Organs, tissues, blood and secretions of a person or animals, surrogacy services, breast milk;
- Precious metals, precious stones (unworked, processed, including cabochons) and semi-precious stones (rough, processed, including cabochons) are not in the product;
- Counterfeit goods, i.e. items or services labeled in such a way that may mislead customers as to the origin, quantity, quality, ingredients, production method, suitability, applicability, repair, maintenance or other essential characteristics of the items or services;
- Shares of companies, shares in the capital, bonds and other securities owned by third parties;
- Software licensed NFR (Not For Resale - not for sale), in the test version, free, shareware, unsupported software;
- Software designed to carry out activities that violate the law or morality, including:
- Software containing computer viruses or other harmful components;
- Software and devices that allow you to download information about a computer user without his knowledge;
- Software and devices for removing locks and passwords from desktop and laptop computers, hard drives and other storage media, as well as car radios, as well as information, instructions and services related to the removal or installation of such locks;
- Software that allows you to generate email addresses from websites or send bulk messages to users of websites, instant messengers, etc., who did not consent to this, as well as databases that can be used for these actions;
- Instructions and addresses of websites (links) and FTP servers, in particular containing information that allows obtaining or facilitating obtaining information about:
- creating or possessing hazardous substances that violate applicable laws and the possession of which is prohibited,
- violation of the current legislation.
- Accounts on free websites, including accounts for instant messaging (for example (including but not limited to), ICQ, Skype, Jabber);
- Accounts in partnership and loyalty programs, as well as in services related to such programs;
- The service of unwinding / winding the car mileage, as well as devices and software that allow such actions to be carried out, and car maintenance programs;
- Services for stuffing, restoration, replacement, etc. VIN-codes (identification numbers) of vehicles, engines, chassis, bodies, sale/production of duplicate plates with VIN-code, stickers with VIN-code.
- Personal data or email lists;
- Special technical means for removing information from communication channels, other means of secretly obtaining information; items related to the activities of law enforcement agencies (electronic and special technical means);
- Radar detectors, frame-curtains, anti-wiretapping, anti-bugs and similar technical devices;
- Devices and devices for unauthorized intervention in the work or unauthorized use of telecommunication networks, metering devices for electricity, gas, water supply (including devices that stop or distort the operation of meters);
- Cardsharing and other goods/services providing in any form and by any means access to the program (transmission) of the broadcasting organization, access to which is limited by the subject of copyright and (or) related rights by the use of technical means of protection;
- Dissertations, diplomas, bachelor's and master's theses, university and diploma theses, abstracts and other similar works and services related to the creation of such works, cheat sheets;
- Services and items related to participation in the so-called financial pyramids, i.e. financial structures created by attracting new participants, where the main (or only) source of profit is the entrance fee paid by them;
- Systems for investing in securities markets and systems for illegal lotteries and betting, as well as services related to assisting in the entry into such games and the conclusion of such bets;
- Fishing and other gear and equipment, the use of which is prohibited by law, and services/works for their production;
- Tools for the extraction (collection) of objects of the animal or plant world, including trap-like fishing gear, the use of which is prohibited by law;
- Any weapon (components and, ammunition for weapons, components of ammunition ammunition for weapons), including any collectible, antique, deactivated, pneumatic (pistols, revolvers, rifles and others (of any caliber and bullet speed), in which the projectile (bullet) is in movement due to compressed gases or the use of the energy of a compressed spring) and signal, weight and size models, dummies of weapons, combat vehicles, as well as gas sprayers, including pepper spray, regardless of whether their use is limited by law or not;
- Personal body armor: bulletproof vests (different types and protection classes), protective helmets (different types and protection classes), rigid protective elements (armor plates separately), bulletproof shields, etc.
- Digital photographs containing pornographic materials;
- Valid (including expired) or valid state identity cards and documents of any (including no longer existing) countries of the world (passports, id-cards, driving licenses, student cards, grade books, diplomas, travel tickets, passes , permits, certificates, licenses, registration certificates and vehicle registration certificates offered without the vehicles for which they were issued, etc., as well as copies and forms of these documents;
- Official forms, forms of strict reporting, except for forms of documents that are in free use;
- State, departmental, sports awards of Ukraine, foreign states and already non-existent states, the former USSR, incl. certificates, medals, insignia;
- Discounts in the form of a promise that gives the right to a discount or other benefit when buying goods in the future;
- Foreign currency and/or other currency values (except for transfers for numismatic purposes);
- Name tickets for football matches;
- Offers of manual and program placement services, mailing of announcements on any resources, as well as vacancies for similar positions;
- Job offers;
- Liquids for electronic cigarettes;
- Registered (activated) SIM-cards, registration of SIM-cards, services for registration of SIM-cards, replenishment of SIM-cards, SIM-cards of foreign operators, both issued (activated) and unregistered (not activated);
- Software and electronic equipment, which is offered under the so-called pre-order;
- Food products that have expired;
- Animals, plants and insects (including stuffed animals and parts of animals) listed in the Red Book of Ukraine and the International Red Book, animals included in the lists of the Wildlife Trade Alliance (WTA), as well as animals caught in the wild;
- Animals intended for exchange for other Items, but not for exchange for other live animals, animals for training, animals for control and testing stations;
- Positions related to occult topics (love spells, conspiracies, divination, satanism, rituals, witchcraft, witches, magic, healing, psychics, etc.), as well as personal manuscripts on this topic;
- Boxes from tablets, mobile phones, laptops, empty warranty cards without an offer to sell and donate the device itself, testers, samplers, in particular, perfume ones;
- Non-existent goods / services that objectively cannot be objects of civil trade (for example, fabulous animals, heroes of legends, the human soul, karma);
- Military property that belongs to the Armed Forces of Ukraine;
- Information about the discovery or loss of documents (both with attached photos and without them);
- Sale of real estate objects located on the territory of administrative-territorial units, within which users' access to unified and state registers is terminated, the holder of which is the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine;
- Electronic publications, in particular books, textbooks, magazines, reference books, etc., in any electronic format, such as *epub, *pdf, etc.;
- Photocopies of books, bound computer printouts of non-authored material, photocopied sections of a published book, photocopy of instructions if that is the sole subject of the ad.
2. The User is limitedly allowed to post Announcements regarding the sale and donation of the following Items (Prohibited Items), and publish photos related to the following Items:
- Knives, other items that can be classified as edged weapons, including throwing weapons and ammunition. The User is obliged to attach to the Announcement a certificate, or the conclusion of the competent authority, which confirms that the goods are not edged weapons.
- Weapon accessories, provided that the position is not an integral part of the weapon, that is, does not affect the ability to perform its functions (for example, collimator sights, laser pointers).